Stop entry of lights products in primary

Although the Secretary of Federal Health, José Ángel Córdova Villalobos, said that there are no dangers in the consumption of sweeteners It is not yet defined if these will enter the cooperatives of the primary schools of Mexico.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the president of the Mexican Diabetes Federation , Dr. Antonio González said that the effects that the light products can have on infants.

One of the risks, he said, is that from a very young age people get used to this taste and leave aside the natural consumption of sugar, which should be consumed in moderation and the palate of the child get used to the "artificial" taste:

"It's something we've studied. We are investigating various scientific tests, since the levels of obesity and overweight in Mexico are alarming. We are the country with the most obese children in the world and we consider that a good strategy to reverse this is with the arrival of low calorie products in schools ".

In this way, children instead of consuming in the snack the 500 calories that they ingest daily, they will acquire less than half, which will reduce their caloric intake.


Measures to combat obesity

However, the owner of the Mexican Diabetes Federation , clarified that it is necessary to evaluate the usefulness of this proposal, since four out of every 10 children in Mexico are obese and overweight; while both diseases are also present in seven out of 10 adults:

"As these numbers go up, the number of people with diabetes . Currently 14 million of the Mexican population lives with diabetes ”.

This, clarified the doctor González without counting the 12.6 million people Prediabetic that there is throughout the Mexican Republic:

"For this reason we have several information tables to analyze the situation in which we find ourselves, because we must give a viable response that does not necessarily have to do with speed, but with the security of the people," the president of the Mexican Diabetes Federation .  

Video Medicine: Flexi Drill Kit - SRFD1.2X5-10 (May 2024).