Free yourself with athletics

The Athletics offers many benefits for physical and mental health, as it is a sport burning grease and that improves the welfare of the people who practice it, as is the case of the athlete Marisol Romero, who became the winner of two gold medals at the Pan-American Games in Guadalajara in 2011.

Marisol Romero starts practicing sports by looking for a way to break free and forget the problems she had; however, over time the sport became his passion and his great challenge.

In an interview for Cadena3 , the athlete says she likes to practice Athletics , so she feels very motivated to participate in the Olympic fair in the city of London:

As Marisol Romero explains it improves joints, body flexibility and gives a sense of freedom and general well-being, by the production of endorphins ; increases the thickness of the bones, legs and feet.

In addition, the Athletics It is a great exercise burning grease , because running 30 minutes three times a week can eliminate up to 300 thousand calories ; decreases the heart rate and increases the size of the heart. And you, are you ready to follow the example of Marisol Romero and free yourself by running?

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