Social pressure, the key

Mexico ranks third in aesthetic surgeries; the main ones are liposuction, breast augmentation and nose. With these data, the question arises: Why are young women operated? What leads them to transform their bodies?


Social pressure, the key

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the doctor Óscar Galicia, researcher at the Department of Psychology of the Universidad Iberoamericana explains that there is a social pressure associated with physical appearance.


"Women know they have a greater attraction and attention of men when they have a better appearance," explains the psychologist.


Fear of losing his youth ...

The doctor points out that there are people who are more sensitive over the years and do not resist the loss of beauty, so they try to preserve it, even artificially.

No matter the number of plastic surgeries, all they want is to preserve that attractiveness that gives them satisfaction, joy and tranquility.


Beware of obsession!

One of the most delicate cases is when a person performs an exaggerated amount of physical transformations, that is, he modifies a large part of his body without achieving complete satisfaction.

This is called body dysmorphic syndrome. It is related to an obsessive-compulsive disorder where the person tends to feel a generalized anxiety due to his physical appearance and the imperfection of himself.


"She becomes obsessed with changing herself and constantly seeks patterns of change for an altered idea of ​​beauty and perfection," says Óscar Galicia.


Accept and love yourself!


"No surgery is going to cure your spirit. If you do not feel beautiful inside, if you are not satisfied with yourself, with your life, with what you are, no matter how many surgeries you do, you will never be happy with it. "

You can not cure a bad spirit and psychological with something physical.