7 bad habits that affect your metabolism

We can come to feel reluctant, nervousness and experiencing sudden weight increases, this is probably because you have adopted a bad habit in your life and generated factors that alter your metabolism , this can be recovered quickly, but if we do not modify these habits , we can present serious health problems.

To feel full of energy and good humor , it is necessary to have a good functioning of our body and for this it is necessary to avoid those factors that affect our metabolism . Here we tell you some of them.

1. Living stressed . The alert status and nerves constants generate cortisol , a hormone produced by the adrenal system and linked to weight control. There is a direct link between the level of psychological stress and the functioning of the adrenal system. According to a study published by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, living in a state of permanent anxiety can, in addition to causing you to gain weight, lead you to have a stroke .

2. Sedentary life . Do exercise accelerate your metabolism and he keeps it that way for some time. A workout in the morning can help you burn more calories at the beginning, but your morning metabolic boost will decrease, so the exercise should be constant. That is why, the sedentary life harms you metabolism and it does not allow you to eliminate fat. For this reason a person who does exercise , can consume even more food than a sedentary one, and not get fat .

3. Unveil . It is proven that you body he needs to sleep 6 to 8 hours at night, so that he performs all his functions correctly, the constants sleepless can put your metabolism out of control and make you have an increase in weight sudden. The lack of dream , increases insulin resistance and this becomes a risk factor to acquire diabetes .

4. Not having order in meal times . Eating at odd times, in a hurry and unbalanced can lead to metabolic disorders, weight gain, cardiovascular disorders and diabetes . This is indicated by a study by Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, published in the journal Current Biology. He also mentions that one should not go so far as to feel hungry excessive to eat, since it is at that point when your body begins to consume the Energy what it requires to perform its functions well.

5. Self medication . According to a study by the National Confederation of Pediatrics, 88% of the population in Mexico resorts to self-medication situation that has generated problem s severe in Health . The indiscriminate consumption of diuretics , laxatives and other medications for burn calories , can lead to a strong metabolic deterioration and cause side effects such as nervousness, headache, diarrhea, respiratory disorders and overweight .

6. Frequent consumption of alcohol . We have two enzymes in our hepatic metabolism (ADH and ALDH) that transform the ethanol in acetate , a friendlier molecule for our organism . If we drink excessively and do not take time to act on these enzymes , the concentration of acetaldehyde (intermediate molecule between the potent ethanol and the innocent acetate) will be too high, leading to sickness , sweating, pulse acceleration and discomfort .

7. Smoking . This habit decreases the appetite , causes an increase in the speed of metabolism cellular, higher spending of Energy and less storage of fats , causing various diseases . The body absorbs nicotine and the smell of the cigar mixed with sweat can perspire. Likewise, smoke affects nerve cells and alters the composition chemistry of the brain , causing in appearance neuronal damage , reveals a study carried out at the University of Bonn.

To feel healthy day by day, it is indispensable to adopt good habits and get away from those who represent factors that alter our metabolism . These reactions take us away from good metabolic functioning and bring us closer to overweight and other ailments.