11 facial yoga exercises

One of the areas of the body that most betray the passage of time is the face; But, beyond the creams and surgery, is there a mechanism to prevent and reduce the traces of age such as fine lines? The answer may be in facial yoga.

To achieve this, through the former model and jewelry designer Ranjana Khan, we present you a facial yoga routine, composed of 11 exercises that will make you feel and see beautiful:

1. Wake up the face. Bring your tongue back, go to your nose and breathe for it. This exercise activates the face and the heart.

2. Eyelids. Look up, raise your eyebrows and leave them like this while you close your eyes. Breathe through the nose while stretching the eyelid area, hold the exercise for 8 breaths and then open the eyes and lower the eyebrows at the same time.

3. Area under the eyes. Squinting and feeling like you "squeeze" the entire area below while raising your eyebrows.

4. Smile lines . Imitate the "fish mouth" by holding the inside of the cheeks between the teeth without blinking until the eyes become watery.

5. Hydrate the eyes. Make your tongue "taquito", take it out, bring your eyes up and you will blink deeply.

6. Delete the lines . With your tongue you will massage the smile lines inside. With zig-zag movements, he walks along imagining that they erase the lines. Do it for 10-15 seconds, rest 5 seconds and go to the other side.

7. Jaw. Place two fingers on the lips and fill your cheeks with air. The area is stretched and the muscles tone up.

8. Neck and jaw. Gather your lips and take them out, stretch the neck and lightly bring your head back.

9. Scalp. Run your fingers through your hair and pull it up by pulling slightly. Repeat on the back carrying your fingers from bottom to top. Hold the movement for a few seconds.

10. Activate circulation . With the tips of your fingers you will tap the eyes, as if you were playing the piano. Then you will go through the area of ​​the cheekbones from the inside out, reaching the temple. Hold a couple of seconds and let go. Repeat.

11. Release. Starting in front of the ears, place two fingers and bring them back from them. This movement helps to release fluids and you can feel something going through your throat.

Perform these minimum facial yoga exercises 3 times a week. They will not take you more than 10 minutes and the best thing is that you can make them at home. After each exercise, rest 10-15 seconds with your face relaxed.

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