Fish with low-calorie chard

Chard is a vegetable rich in iron Y vitamins A and C. They have a high content of beta carotene , substances that are transformed into vitamin A within the organism, which favors the loss of weight. Chards are composed of 95% water, which is why they are low in calories .

According to a study of the portal Huffington Post , the vitamin A is beneficial to the eye, as it prevents the glaucoma , blindness and cataracts. It also fights the infections bacterial as the conjunctivitis . So that you enjoy these great benefits and take care of your figure, GetQoralHealth recommends this recipe

Fish with Chard


1 kg fillet of fish 3 bunches of chard 1 red pepper 1 onion girl 4 tomatoes English sauce to taste Garlic salt to taste Butter to taste Pepper to taste Lemon to taste Aluminum foil (quantity needed)


1. Cut the red pepper, onion and tomatoes in squares. Wash the chard and cut into julienne.

2. Place a small piece of butter on a piece of aluminum foil. Top with a fish fillet seasoned with pepper, lemon, garlic salt, and English sauce.

3. Cover with Swiss chard. Place the tomato, chili and onion on top. Wrap with aluminum foil. Bake for 10 minutes at 250 °.

Enjoy this delicious dish that only gives you 150 calories per portion. Accompany with a rich jamaica water that helps you eliminate toxins of your body. Enjoy your meal!

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