5 work activities that damage your relationship

Occasionally, work activities absorb time from our personal life, which directly impacts the affective bonds with the family and in the relationship of partner . Therefore, we give you the most common situations that you must lead a full life.

1.- Long hours of work : It is understandable that sometimes you have to work overtime or attend important meetings that go beyond regular office hours, but somehow you should try to avoid this becoming a rule. Over time, the relationship of partner it is wearing out until it breaks.

2.- Weekends : When the work becomes more demanding every time and you have to take your rest days to resolve pending work, the opportunity to enjoy leisure time together disappears. Try to organize yourself and take only a few minutes to solve the problems and prevent your partner from feeling abandoned.

3.- Without energy : When you finally free yourself and stop thinking about work, the energy that you have left is minimal. So it is normal to watch television and fall asleep, so the sexual relationship is left behind. Try to keep the caresses and the words of love with your partner.

4.- Bad mood: When someone has problems in the office or too much workload, all the time will be talking or complaining about it. When the work becomes the only topic of conversation between you, or someone spends all the time answering calls or emails from the office, the situation becomes uncomfortable and boring. Try to talk about topics of mutual interest and enjoy time with your partner.

5.- Health : All the stress generated by the work has physical repercussions: the endocrine system is affected, increases the stress and anxiety, the risk of suffering increases diseases cardiovascular (heart attacks, chest angina, hypertension), insomnia, urinary disorders. If you get sick, your partner will have the right to tell you: "I told you so." It is one thing to be together in health and illness, and another is to have to deal with the ailments that the obsession with work may cause in some of you. Measure yourself with the work!

It is important that they do not forget to keep an open communication and have patience to achieve a good relationship. Express your feelings about the work situations that are presented to reach agreement and avoid problems. Do not allow your personal and emotional life to be damaged by work commitments. And you, are you addicted to work?  

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