Renal tubular acidosis should be diagnosed early

The Renal tubular acidosis (ATR) is a disease that has been known in Mexico for more than 30 years; however, little is the research and information that reaches doctors and patients about advances in their treatment.


This misdiagnosed belatedly can delay the psychomotor development of children and their growths. Patients who suffer from it take long to sit, crawl and walk, delaying their thick and fine skills. This disease occurs from birth, leaving clear signals in the first years of life.


Pediatricians consider this disease when facing patients that fail size Y weight adequate, and in fact some specialists are unaware or do not contemplate this condition in the first instance.


The doctor. Benjamin Romero Navarro , boss of Department of Nephrology of the Children's Hospital of Mexico "Federico Gómez" expressed to the newspaper El Universal "there is no line of continuous research, despite the fact that in the Federal District and Oaxaca a good number of cases have been detected with Renal Tubular Acidosis: it is not yet known if it is due to genetic aspects or environmental aspects, this is under investigation ". In fact, the UNAM and the Children's Hospital of Mexico "Federico Gómez", are initiating a protocol of investigation before this disease.


When treating this disease it is tried to normalize the concentration of bicarbonate in the blood, since although the problem is in the kidneys, the uncontrol of the acidity puts in risk the bones. In cases without treatment, acid can cause rickets and long-term renal failure.


Support for parents with children with renal tubular acidosis


If you want more information on the subject you can consult the page:



Next talk about kidney tubular acidosis by the nephrologist José Ernesto López Almaraz, Ascribed physician and specialist of the Hospital of Medical Sciences and Nutrition "Salvador Zubirán":


Friday, February 11, 2011, 9:00 a.m. at the "Tula Child Development Center", Manantial School.


Address: Calzada Nacional No 702, Tula De Allende, Mexico