Stress changes the behavior of people

The chronic stress is one of the symptoms found in the clinical history of people who develop Alzheimer's in adulthood, he pointed Jorge González Olvera , Researcher of Medical Sciences of the National Institute of Psychiatry "Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz":

It is called stress to the body response in situations that are threatening or that generate concerns such as being intervened by a surgery , and that manifest themselves with changes in the ability to concentrate , Pressure blood pressure, difficulties to regulate emotions and alterations in the cycle of dream he commented.

He highlighted that one of the most important consequences that people with stress is the depression , and when there is damage in the hippocampus, there are problems in memory, in concentration and in the regulation of emotions.

The situations that cause this condition are work pressures , the abuse or family problems , which generate a catastrophic expectation in people.

Stress has three phases, the first is the acute or immediate, which is when the person releases adrenaline and tension increases, increases the heart rate along with blood pressure, then comes the alarm phase, which is still stressed when there is no pressure In this stage the brain secretes a hormone called glucocorticoid , which is responsible for the deterioration in different regions of the brain, he reported.

Finally he commented that the treatment to lower stress levels is based on behavioral therapy or training autogenous , which also serves for the attention of anxiety, as well as identifying the thoughts that distort the answers and learning to modulate the changes in the organism as the muscle tension .

Source: SSA

Video Medicine: A Brain Marker Pinpoints Vulnerability for Future Life Stress {Duke University Research} (April 2024).