College of knowledge?

Behind the insecurity , violence and conflicts that are experienced in different states of the Mexican Republic, the Bachelor in Transgenerational Psychology , which aims to reduce discrimination or aggression towards such banal as physical appearance, skin color, economic status, etc.

In this way, Mexico becomes a world pioneer in this new professional specialty, created by the psychologist Raquel Schlosser , who has experience in the area of ​​sexuality, couples, family, systemic therapy and regressions.

Through this race, which will last 4 years and will be taught at the moment only in the Federal District, in the Institute of Transgerational Studies , it seeks to train individuals with better human quality. Among the topics to be taught are those related to various topics such as domestic violence , bulling , prejudices, posttraumatic stress , healthy relationship of couple, gender equity, human dignity, among other matters.

In an interview with Raquel Schlosser, she says: "Through the transgenerational psychology Theories and methodologies brought from Europe and others developed by our own Institute will be taught to train more than a thousand students, which will allow them to develop long-range and impact prevention programs. "

College of knowledge?

In addition to this race that will begin in September 2013, the practice psychoanalytic It is a tool that helps to "understand" human behavior in various ways, such as pain, suffering, happiness and death.

An alternative is the Specialty in Psychoanalytic Practice, which offers College of Knowledge , where people learn the ethical positioning in the face of pain.

That is to say, psychoanalytic knowledge is approached from the analysis of its foundations to the expositions about its devices, techniques and strategies. For more information visit:

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Video Medicine: Dr Shingi Munyeza – Innovation & Disruption in Developing Economies (College of Knowledge) (May 2024).