Cholesterol helps to gain muscle mass

Within the sports field, it has been shown that many athletes with hypertrophy or that they have a remarkable increase in their muscle mass present high levels of cholesterol, because this is a precursor of an essential hormone for this effect, testosterone .

A study conducted by Steven E. Riechman, of the University of Pittsburgh , United States, shows the impact of cholesterol in training for hypertrophy . It reveals that people who consume high doses have an increase in strength of up to 86%.

The muscle growth and strength gains are linked to high levels of blood cholesterol, so it is recommended the intake of protein, carbohydrates and fats in the diet, which are essential to generate hormones, bile salts and vitamin D that requires the body during exercise .

The increase in LDL cholesterol drives the body's inflammatory response, which stimulates the anabolic process. In addition, the testicles and the Leydig cells (producers of testosterone ) need special amounts to synthesize the anabolic hormone, which allows the muscle development .

If a moderate weight training does not seem to affect cholesterol levels, a heavy workout will definitely induce a drastic reduction in a few hours.

This happens due to an accelerated absorption by skeletal muscle, which reveals that our fibers need high cholesterol levels to recover and grow, with diet and some supplements being the main source.

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Video Medicine: The Importance of Cholesterol for Your Testosterone & Muscles (April 2024).