Mathematical formula predicts obesity

Did you know that obesity can already be predicted from childhood? Through a mathematical formula people will know how to prevent obesity from birth, according to a study of the Imperial College of London, in the United Kingdom.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that 65% of the world population suffers from overweight and obesity, so it is essential to eradicate it, since it is the cause of many health problems that unfortunately generate death.

That is why it is important to find solutions like this formula to prevent their development.

The obesity calculator is created to avoid the development of chronic degenerative diseases (cardiovascular diseases and diabetes) in the future and have a better quality of life.

Exclusively for GetQoralHealth  Ranier Gutiérrez , researcher of Laboratory of Appetite Neurobiology of the Cinvestav-IPN , explains how the brain and obesity are related:

In the research published in PloS One , British researchers detail that to predict obesity only basic data are needed such as the weight of the newborn, index of the body mass of the parents, the number of people in the home, employment history of the mother and if they are addicted to the smoking

This formula can predict 80% of children who will suffer obesity during its development, says Professor Philippe Froguel, who led the study.

Scientists say that only one in 10 cases of obesity is generated by a genetic mutation that affects appetite, so this study proves that this is not the only trigger of the disease.

With the development of this formula, obesity is reduced from an early age through healthy habits such as a balanced diet and the practice of some exercise. And you, how do you prevent the development of obesity?

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Video Medicine: The Calculus of Calories: Quantitative Obesity Research (April 2024).