5 myths of water consumption

Water is a fundamental component of nutrition; after oxygen, it is the most important, urgent and beneficial element for the body. It is also responsible for the process of assimilation, intestinal and digestive regulation, control of body temperature, elimination of toxins via the kidneys, hydration of the mucous membranes, among other functions that are possible thanks to the consumption of water.

The daily need is very variable for each individual and the conditions in which they find themselves. On average, for a healthy adult with an intake of 2000 calories a day, it is advisable to consume two liters of water a day, equivalent to eight glasses.

There are many myths and doubts about water consumption, so Fernanda Zimmermann, Nutritionist at the Kellogg's Institute of Nutrition and Health (INSK) , answer any of them:

1. How to know if you are taking enough water?

A signal that will determine if the body has a sufficient level, will be to check the tone of the urine: a soft and transparent yellow tone, means that there is optimal hydration. Similarly, the state of the skin: it should be noted fresh, otherwise measures should be taken in this regard.

2. Can only water hydrate the body?

Although experts recommend the consumption of natural water, there are other liquids that give the body the ability to hydrate; for example: isotonic drinks, teas, juices, infusions, soups, milk, among others.

The solid food that is swallowed also contains water. From 20 to 25% of the total consumption of liquids comes from food. Vegetables and fruits are especially rich. Even in foods such as nuts, meat and fish water is present.

3. Is the consumption of mineral water with gas advisable?

The consumption of mineralized water It is convenient when the person can not avoid consuming soft drinks, so that this gives the sensation of gas and will not provide sugars. It also provides some components that may be beneficial to the body, such as calcium and magnesium.

It is important to mention that the soda It is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal problems, hiatus hernia and reflux, predisposition to flatulence and severe respiratory failure.

4. Drink a lot of water?

Although water is calorie-free, it does not have the power to lose weight, but it is true that any program to lose weight is a great help, as it prevents constipation and helps in the elimination of toxins.

Similarly, if water is ingested between or during meals, it causes satiety and prevents other foods from being ingested excessively.

5. If you suffer from kidney disease, should you stop drinking water?

Restriction of fluids is used in patients with kidney, liver and heart failure problems. The restriction must be individual and determined by a health professional, since it depends on the conditions of each patient.

It is important that you learn to listen to the organism, since some of the symptoms such as headache, dry skin, chapped lips, dizziness, abdominal swelling and fluid retention, among others, can be a warning signal because is consuming the necessary water for an optimal state of health.

If there are doubts related to eating habits, it is recommended to go to a health professional to provide the necessary guidance.

For more information: www.insk.com F: www.facebook.com/inskmx T: @inskmx

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