5 habits that cause you unhappiness

In some occasion you have felt, sad, without wanting to do anything, fear, anxiety . These may be signs associated with unhappiness, but what causes it? Discover it!

Various studies have shown that certain habits cause unhappiness . Prevent it from happening to you, we share what they are:


5 habits that cause you unhappiness


1. Watch TV . According to a study conducted by sociologists of the University of Maryland , people who spend their time watching television are more unhappy.


The data showed that people watch TV 20% more than happy people. The habit of watching television can offer immediate pleasure, since television is usually a passive activity that acts as an escape route for the spectators.


2. Use of social networks Researchers of the University of Michigan , found a relationship between the well-being of people and the use of social networks.


After evaluating 82 young people, about their mood using Facebook, they found that those who used the social network frequently had lower levels of satisfaction with their lives.


Teenagers who use Facebook more frequently had narcissistic symptoms, while more active young adults show signs of psychological disorders, such as antisocial behaviors.


3. Daydreaming. A study conducted by researchers from the Harvard University , demonstrated that the ability that humans have of divagas or "daydreaming" with thoughts of the past or future issues make us unhappy.


"A human mind is a mind that wanders, and a mind that wanders is an unhappy mind."


4. Work . Psychologists of the University of Valencia, They found that when the fear of losing work increases, people feel less satisfied with their personal lives, and with less commitment at work.


5. Alcohol abuse . According to a study conducted by the Hospital of San Juan (Alicante) , in Spain, the consumption of alcohol is related to psychological disorders.


Among the main ones were depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety disorder with panic attacks.


According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Mexico is one of the countries with happiest citizens, since 85% of Mexicans surveyed to know their level of happiness, said that every day lives more positive than negative experiences.


Although many habits cause unhappiness , the certain thing is that sometimes they are inevitable; however, the level of happiness depends on you. A healthy, active and positive life helps you make the difference between being happy or unhappy. What do you think?

Video Medicine: Emotional Intelligence: 8 Habits that Fuel Unhappiness and Depression (April 2024).