5 fruits that you should avoid in order not to gain weight

In most diets the consumption of fruits is recommended, because they are considered healthy foods; However, excessive intake of these foods can cause weight gain and therefore diseases related to this disease.

Regularly, specialists suggest that people should eat an approximate of five servings a day, but not all of fruits. These portions, for the most part, should contain vegetables.

Sugar, independent of its origin, becomes fat, which accumulates in little appreciated places of our anatomy: abdomen, arms, chaparrera. Thus, GetQoralHealth It offers you a list of the fruits that you should avoid or limit your intake:

1. Banana It contains 75% water, it is high in potassium, sodium and iron, but eating a banana is equivalent to ingesting 17g of sugar, four cubes of this food.

2. Grape It has carbohydrates, vitamin C and glucose. 126g. of grape contributes to the body 20g. of sugar.

3. Orange Excellent for colds due to its high vitamin C content, it is also very good for digestion; But, eating an orange is equal to consuming 23g. of sugar.

4. Watermelon Main food in diets designed to lose weight, but its consumption equals 18g. of sugar.

5. Apple High in fiber 223g. of this fruit is equivalent to consume 23g. of sugar.

The real key for a given to be successful and not cause us gain weight It is knowing how to balance. There are no bad or good fruits, only their abuse makes it harmful to our health.

Learn to identify their properties and get the most benefit from them.