Flat belly with fennel

The properties diuretics of the fennel , make this vegetable an ideal complement for slim down ; stimulates digestion and increases the metabolism gastric and intestinal.

Its effect anti-inflammatory at the level of the intestine helps treat the inflamed belly and relax the muscles of the organs digestive . It also regulates liver function, so it improves your metabolism .

This vegetable, from the same family as carrot and dill (umbelliferae) contains a significant amount of phytonutrients Y antioxidants with great benefits on health.

The whole plant is edible, from its bulb to its leaves. Usually participates in recipes of the mediterranean cuisine . They can cut their leaves and eat in salads, the same for their stems, which can also be eaten cooked. Its seeds are also usable as a spice, whose aroma resembles anise.

Fennel is usually economical and can be kept in a refrigerator or refrigerator for up to two weeks after purchase. To take advantage of its medicinal properties, in GetQoralHealth we present two ways to do it.

1. Tea for belly inflammation : Place 2 teaspoons of seeds in a cup of boiling water; then, let it rest for 10 minutes. Take 3 cups a day, one before breakfast, another after lunch and once after dinner.

2. Remedy against cough Take the broth of 20 grams of seeds in a liter of milk or water, to which you can add honey or propolis, preferably the latter.

The fennel he is rich in vitamin C , folic acid (B9) and in fiber . It also provides other minerals such as potassium and manganese, and its caloric size is reduced: only 26 calories per cup (about 85 grams). So take advantage of its benefits.

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Video Medicine: Fennel Seeds Water for Weight loss Fast/ Saunf Water (April 2024).