5 foods to not get mad

The diet influences your state of cheer up because it generates changes in brain chemistry and gets to pollute the blood. If you want to stay with good humor , inside of zen food there are certain foods that help not get angry .

The zen diet is based on incorporating a style of Healthy life , eliminating bad eating habits to recover the Balance physical and emotional through the food .

In this sense, George Ohsawa fumacrobiotic foodservice (based on the principle of balance of Yin and Yang), says that all disease (and emotion) can be completely cured in 10 days.


The disease comes from the blood , from which we eliminate one tenth each day. Consequently, our blood will be renewed in 10 days if we follow an adequate diet, "he says Ohsawa .


5 foods to not get mad

According to the American Psychological Association , the anger it is a feeling that can manifest itself from a slight annoyance even fury go to intense Under this mood, the heart rate and blood pressure increase The immune system is depleted.

This reaction could make you sick, therefore, we share five foods that will keep you from good humor , in accordance with George Ohsawa .

1. Sesame oil. When you're in a bad mood, the acidity in your blood and stomach rise. Hence, the gomasio , contained in sesame oil, is a natural seasoning that helps neutralize excess acid in the body.