Occupational stress produces coronary heart disease

Studies have shown that stress at work can cause physical and psychological effects such as failures in the heart and diabetes.

The newspaper European Heart Journal concentrates one of the largest studies done on the effect of stress on the cardiovascular mechanisms of the population. The results indicate that poor stress management can lead to coronary heart disease (CHD).

During 12 years of follow-up to the studied patients, it was found that stress chronic work it is associated with coronary heart disease, and that this pattern was stronger among men and women below 50 years of age.

The risk of suffering a coronary heart disease increased by 68% in those people who reported having stress in their work, in comparison with the people who declared not having it.

The Lic. Rocío Arocha , psychologist and director of the Institute of Logotherapy A.C., gives us some simple tips to avoid having stress in our work:


Video Medicine: Job stress strongly linked to heart disease - IN60 (April 2024).