How does it affect your mouth?

The stress is one of the sufferings that currently afflict most people, due to the current lifestyle that implies a progressive accumulation of tension and anxiety, among other symptoms, which affect all areas of health, including oral health .

In an interview with GetQoralHealth , the doctorMauricio Morales Magallón, dental surgeon , explains that the worst of the affectations of the stress to oral health it happens in a progressive and silent way, in many cases, since a person never notices its effects until they are very evident or advanced.


How does it affect your mouth?

In general, the couple is the one who usually notices the effects of stress in the other person, since certain manifestations, such as grinding and clenching of the teeth, occur during sleep. Also, the specialist indicates that these affectations occur mostly in men between 30 and 50 years.

The worst consequence of the various manifestations of stress in oral health they occur over time (chronic stress), which can wear a tooth up to 30% of its original size, as well as produce severe damage to the nerves because they are exposed over the years. In addition, it can generate the following effects:

1. Gingivitis . The stress affects the ability or efficiency to brush our teeth and floss because it distracts proper hygiene and a greater accumulation of waste in the teeth. gums and its inflammation.

2. Periodontitis . The hormone stress , cortisol, can generate inflammation, which leads to an increased risk of periodontal disease .

3. Bruxism . When they grind and clench their teeth unconsciously while sleeping, or even awake, which causes pain in the muscles of chewing and premature wear in the teeth .

4. Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. When opening the jaw is locked due to the constant pressure that is generated when tightening the muscles by stress , which causes pain in the same or in the temple.

5. Appearance of canker sores . White wounds that form on gums and mucosa, which can vary in size and amount in the mouth, are caused by viruses, bacteria and / or immune system deficiencies weakened by the stress.

These conditions can be treated, explains Morales Magallón, however it must be comprehensive, so in addition to dental care, some type of therapy is required to help reduce the stress , as well as to detect its causes.

Video Medicine: Oral Health : How Does Smoking Affect Your Mouth? (April 2024).