15 seconds are enough ...

Although it is an everyday act, and that most people know how to perform; It turns out that out of every ten inhabitants, only two wash their hands correctly, as indicated by the World Health Organization.


It is a procedure that can prevent the transmission of respiratory and intestinal diseases. Important, if you take into account that about 16 thousand children under five years of age die of gastrointestinal diseases, "he said in an interview GetQoralHealth, Erick Ramírez, leader of the Food Retail Services division.


15 seconds are enough ...


The moments when it is essential to wash your hands is before eating or handling any food; In this we talk as much to eat as to cook. For example, if you work in a restaurant, you need to wash your hands with an antibacterial soap and use a nail brush, "says Ramírez, also spokesperson for the Ecolab brand.


Do it well

So that you do not make mistakes in the washing of your hands, here are some recommendations with information from Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

1. Wet your hands with running water (warm or cold). Before lathering your hands, close the water tap.

2. Rub your hands for approximately 15 to 20 seconds. You must form a foam.

3. Rinse with clean water, and dry preferably with air. Remember that towels may contain bacteria.


It will always be preferable to wash your hands with soap and water, than to use an antibacterial gel, "says Erick Ramírez.

Video Medicine: 15 Seconds: Not Enough Time (April 2024).