Psychosomatic causes of constipation

For several years it has been shown that emotions they influence the organism. The digestive system Recent a lot of the thoughts and feelings that we experience. Factors like anxiety , stress or depression can produce constipation , nausea, vomiting and / or diarrhea.

When the constipation It is produced by a emotional factor , it is known that it is more frequent in women than in men. This difference increases with age, especially after 65 years.

East intestinal disorder It can be a pathological behavior learned during childhood to ask for affection when one is sick and the same happens in the elderly as a way to get attention. In some people, the constipation it is usually the consequence of an educational overload in relation to excessive continence behavior.

East defecation disorder it may be an answer somatic (transmit to your body a discomfort due to an emotional conflict) to severe life experiences. It is known that victims of sexual abuse develop gastrointestinal symptoms , including constipation .

Therefore, to have a better quality of life and eradicate common discomforts, such as having a lazy bowel, an emotional balance is required. In this way, you will avoid somatizing any negative experience.