Colon cancer due to lack of vitamin D

The deficiency of vitamin D can contribute to the development of a disease called rickets , as well as breast cancer Y colon , he assured Ronald Rotenberg , member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine . Rotenberg, said that the obesity , old age and even excessive use of sunscreen contribute to vitamin D deficiency. He indicated that according to different studies on this compound, some people with multiple sclerosis , type I diabetes cardiovascular disease depression , chronic pain, osteoarthritis , muscle problems, dementias and infections like influenza , present vitamin D deficiency. He is also a professor of York University, suggested to patients with these diseases to consult with their doctor the need for daily intake of vitamin D and the recommended dose according to their physical condition, since for example in people with depression A decrease in symptoms has been observed. On viral infections such as influenza , explained that when studying secretions in mucous membranes, throat, mouth and nose to a group of minors, it was found that the daily intake of one thousand 200 milligrams per day reduced the risk of influenza by half and 83% fewer attacks of influenza. asthma .

Foods rich in Vitamin D

This nutrient is acquired in the consumption of foods, such as butter, cream, milk, cheese, salmon, cod liver oil and fish, among others, as well as exposure to the sun. Vitamin D is also known as calciferol or vitamin of sunlight. It is also necessary for the retention and incorporation of calcium in the bones and to prevent osteoporosis . Ronald Rotenberg , member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine , said that while a person's skin is more pigmented, less absorption of this vitamin, so that the inhabitants of Africa have less quantity. The dermis health expert clarified that excess vitamin D can cause the intestines to absorb too much calcium, which can cause high levels of this mineral in the blood: "High levels of calcium in the blood can lead, In turn, there are deposits of this mineral in soft tissues such as the heart and lungs, which can reduce their ability to function. kidney stones , vomiting Y muscular weakness ", said Ronald Rotenberg.

Video Medicine: Warning Signs You Are Vitamin D Deficient (April 2024).