5 activities to reduce stress

According to a study of the Nielsen company, Mexico ranks second in the world with the greatest burden of stress in the women.

After studying the cases of 6,500 women from 21 different countries, between February and April 2011, to locate where women were more stressed, it was found that 74% of Mexican women reported as stressed. The first place was occupied by India, with 87%.

One more fact that should concern us as women: according to information from the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Information Technology (Inegi) , the most frequent cases of female mortality are due to heart disease, diabetes mellitus and malignant tumors, conditions very related to stress.


5 activities to reduce stress

In the opinion of Tania Mijares, founder of Generación Felicidad, much of the stress that Mexican women suffer is due to the triple day they face as mothers, wives and workers, often without any type of male support. To try to control this situation, Mijares proposes, among other things, to perform certain types of activities that can help reduce or control stress, such as:

1. From the physical point of view. Practice some sport and healthy eating.

2. From the mental perspective . Read, write down mistakes, listen to others, face the mI

3. From the spiritual. Carry out activities meditation, Volunteer work, spend time with nature.

4. From the socio-emotional view. Dance, laugh, avoid contact with negative people, spend time with family.

5. Play . Yes, as you are reading it, we start to practice games both online, such as those we can find on the Internet, or simple ones such as Monopoly, Scrabble, and even Serpents and Ladders. Doing crossword puzzles or Sudokus, not only helps to keep the brain active, but are ideal games that allow us to change our attention from the situations of stress to fun and rest.

You see it? Control the stress It's simpler and fun than it looks.