10 tips to prepare healthy food

Prepare healthy food is very simple, you just have to implement some tips such as the exchange of some foods, to avoid the intake of saturated fats or many carbohydrates, which are what cause you to upload weight .

According to information published in The Huffington Post , a healthy meal improves your skin, your well-being and your mood. So if you want to enjoy these benefits follow the tips that we give you below:

1.- Swap sour cream for yogurt: With this measure you double your calcium intake, you reduce fats saturated and you offer a better texture to your dishes.

2.- Say goodbye to butter: Remove this food from your refrigerator and prepare your healthy food with canola or olive oil. In addition, you will strengthen your cardiovascular system.

3.- Choose lean meats: With this you will reduce your fat intake and it will work better metabolism .

4.- Add species: There are many natural foods that complement the flavor of your healthy food such as vinegar, oregano, herbs, pepper, lemon, rosemary, capers and olives.

5.- Refrigerates and degreases: Prepare your food a day before and refrigerate, so it will be easier to remove the solidified fat.

6.- Remove the skin: This part of the chicken is the one that contains more cholesterol , so eliminate it before cooking.

7.- Remove buds: Replace one egg yolk with two egg whites, to reduce the amount of cholesterol .

8.- Use non-fat products: Change the whole milk products by the skim and light version.

9.- Forget the breaded: Roasted foods taste better and are healthier than breaded or floured.

10.- Use many colors: When preparing salads it includes different combinations and colors, to ensure the intake of different nutrients.

With these practical tips you will not have a hard time changing your way of preparing healthy food. Also, enjoy the time you spend cooking, remember that a new study found that people who cook up to five times a week were 47% more likely to live 10 more years.

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Video Medicine: Heart healthy nutrition tips (April 2024).