10 tips to choose the blush

He says Nicolas Degennes, creative director of the Givenchy house, that one of the most important elements in a fashionable catwalk is the face of the model, because the secret is in how to choose the right blush to illuminate and give life to your features. Follow the following tips:


  1. Proper tone: It should combine with the natural tone of the skin, as well as the foundation of the makeup. Stand in front of the swatch, squeeze one of our fists tightly for a few seconds, open your hand with the palm facing up and bring it closer to the sample colors.
  2. Purchase time: It is important that when buying the blush you buy it in the light of day, so that you choose the right tone.
  3. Application: To apply the blush, we start from the front of the ear and towards the nose, above the cheekbones. To correctly define the area, we stand in front of the mirror and show a big smile: this will cause the cheekbones to rise and inflate, delimiting them perfectly.
  4. Little quantity: It is better to apply second layers to accentuate the color, than to show an unnatural and too marked blush.
  5. Correct brush: It should be soft, loose and of the appropriate dimension, to achieve a blur of the contours of the blush, avoiding defined circles or lines that are too rigid.
  6. Face: It is important to take into account the shape of the face to correctly apply the blush. For example: Oval , is the ideal way, so applying rouge will not be a problem. Take care to have the perfect tone and blend well to give the desired effect. Round , apply it forming an elongated "V" that is born under the cheekbone at the height of the outer edge of the eye and ends in the chin with the intention of tuning your face. Elongate , to disguise the shape of your face, apply it under the cheekbone in a horizontal direction and blur.
  7. Hiding the nose: Applying dark blush to your sides. This should be the same skin tone and a little darker than we apply on the cheekbones.
  8. Texture: The blush comes in different presentations, shapes, textures and colors. Choose it according to your skin type.
  9. Special moment : The application of the blush is the last step of makeup: it goes after makeup the eyes and before the lips. It is recommended that it be done at the end to balance the face.
  10. Remains: It is important to sprinkle the brush before applying it to the face to eliminate lumps and excesses.

Always remember that the strongest blush colors can be used in more dramatic makeup. If we know how to choose the right color of the blush our makeup will look beautiful, otherwise it can end up ruining and looking frightening. And you, how do you choose your blush?

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