1. Pretend a break

The Day of the Innocents It started as a religious celebration, however, it is currently a pretext to make jokes and play with the humor of others, but these actions must be moderate to avoid causing conflicts.

According to the writer Alastair Clarke , author of the book "Recognition of behaviors, theory of humor" , humor is produced when the brain reacts to something surprising, causing euphoria and fun.

He also points out that humor is an escape, since people look for entertainment in order to forget their problems.

However, there are certain jokes that should be avoided, because instead of causing thanks, can cause emotional damage and serious problems.

For this reason, we recommend that you do not make this kind of jokes on Day of the Innocents :


1. Pretend a break

Telling your partner that you want to end the relationship for some reason that you just made, will collapse your feelings and will end with confidence, because you will not know if you really mean it.