1. Face

In Mexico, 40% of workers suffer from work stress , according to the International Labor Organization (ILO) . Situation that not only negatively impacts your productivity , but it seriously affects health.

When your work involves great responsibility It's easy to develop high levels of stress . Doing nothing to fight it can cause problems like colitis , cardiac arrhythmias or muscle pain, indicates the National Institute for Safety and Hygiene at Work (INSHT) in Spain.

Perform exercises to help you relax the muscles, the mind and to release tension is a simple way to eliminate the stress . That's why we share you based on the information of the National Health Service , a routine that will only take you 20 minutes.

For each exercise keep the position a few seconds and then relax. Repeat it a couple of times so that in total you do each one for approximately three minutes.


1. Face

Elevates eyebrows , as if you had a frown, and let go.


2. Neck

Gently tilt the head forward, pushing the chin towards the chest , and then slowly lift it up again.


3. Shoulders

Pull them towards your ears (shrug the shoulders) and then relax them in the direction of feet .


4. Chest

Breathe slowly and deeply into the diaphragm , so that you use the entire area of lungs . Now exhale gradually to allow your belly to deflate.


5. Arms

Stretch them away from you body as much as possible. You can place the palms against each other, inwards.


6. Legs

Push the fingers of your feet out of your body and then pull it towards him. Stay and relax.


7. Dolls and hands

Extend the doll by pulling your hand towards you and do the same with your fingers and thumbs . Then relax them.

When you finish tomato a couple of minutes break with your eyes closed and when you feel ready, stretch and continue with your activities .

Do not control your levels of work stress It can also lead you to smoke, drink, the hospital and, in extreme cases, suicide , says the INSHT.

Video Medicine: 1:Face Watch - Cool Watches for Good Causes (May 2024).