You have to be good people ...

We know that being a good person has its benefits, but according to a recent study, altruistic people have more sex, is it because of their good intentions?

According to a study British Journal of Psychology , a research team discovered the advantages over the sweetness of people and their sexual history; More than 300 adult men and women participated, telling how many good actions they perform daily and how often they have sex.

You can also see: Altruism lengthens life

The really important data is the number of sexual partners so much occasional , as relationships serious and the number of sexual relations in the last 30 days.

After an arduous analysis, the conclusion is that "an altruistic behavior has a positive perception in the mating success and sexual life in couple"; Women seek that man be protective and productive.


You have to be good people ...

The term 'altruistic' was also defined in the daily context in partner , As the assistant in housework, go through the couple to work, help with the care of pets and a host of small good deeds that have their reward.

The next step according to the researchers, is to analyze if the same response is from adolescence to old age, which would give figures for analysis of more stable population growth and couple behaviors more harmonious


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Video Medicine: Why Good People Won’t Get Anywhere | Sadhguru (May 2024).