You are not guilty!

For many it is a matter of willpower, for others a need. However, why is it so difficult avoid eating a dessert ; Is it impossible to do?

According to a study published by the Journal of Clinical Investigation, emotions are the main factor that influences the appetite.

This is because the hormones in the stomach communicate directly with the brain, which creates a pleasurable and comforting sensation. feelings As the stress or anguish after eating a sweet food.


You are not guilty!

Although the ability to control temptation allows people to perform successfully in life, why do some have greater self-control than others, for example, to eat a dessert ? An investigation of the University of Cologne and Dartmouth College, suggests that the key is in the brain from each person.

The study combines the functional neuroimaging and the sampling experience, with the aim of revealing brain markers that predict the actions of individuals and if they are susceptible to yield to impulses such as consume a dessert .

In the analysis it is confirmed that there is a close relationship between feeding and activity in the nucleus accumbens (NACC). Greater NACC activity is associated with an increase in the probability of failure in self-control, while the IFG activity is successful at resisting temptations.

However, it is not always bad to eat a dessert, it can even help you lose weight. A study of University of Tel Aviv, notes that eating dessert at breakfast, for example cookies or cakes, can help people who are diet to lose more weight This is because it gives them satisfaction and reduces the hunger they may experience throughout the day.

Remember, the best thing is to try to maintain a balanced diet and an active life. This with the objective that you do not have to deprive yourself of any food. Beware!

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