Control your heart rate with new App sensor

The Sano Intelligence company develops and perfects a "API for blood circulation "That allows you to monitor several of the vital functions of the body, such as heart rate , through signals that are sent to a telephone device or receiver wirelessly, according to information from the portal

It is a device in the form of painless patch that can record what is commonly measured in a group of basic metabolic tests, such as glucose levels , the renal function and electrolyte balance, whose levels are known by a blood test .

Therefore, there is not only a new way of controlling the Vital signs , but also of an alternative of analysis that imply lower cost and, for the necessity of the use of needles, less pain, to also know the levels of glucose Y potassium in the blood .

Also, this device, which is waterproof, will allow patients with chronic diseases, such as heart , have very controlled your heart rate , to prevent tachycardias , failures or other serious events, such as acute myocardial infarction . Learn more aboutcardiovascular diseases

In this regard, the signal that this patch emits can even be monitored by the doctors of this type of patients, who would also be issued an alert when there is a significant change in the Vital signs who carries it.

It should be remembered that not only for some condition the heart rhythm can be altered; There are several factors, apart from the exercise , which modify it temporarily. Among the most common are: Emotions or stress , the heat, the altitude, fatigue and the consumption of caffeine , alcohol or some other drug.

Therefore, this type of technological development benefits the quality of life of people with some chronic degenerative disease, but also constitutes a tool for prevention of cardiovascular diseases which are the leading cause of death in the world.

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Video Medicine: 3 Apps to Measure Your Heart Rate on Android Without a Sensor [How-To] (April 2024).