What should you do?

Do you think that osteoporosis is something for older adults? You're wrong!

Characterized by the reduction of bone strength, the osteoporosis It is a chronic, degenerative and detectable disease that not only affects individuals over 45, especially women, but also many young adults.

On the occasion of the World Osteoporosis Day, celebrated every October 20, the specialistPilar Peris Bernal, from the Rheumatology Service of Hospital Clínic de Barcelona , explains the following:


"In fact, it has been described that around 50% of young individuals with osteoporosis, both men and women, have diseases or drugs related to their development, with prolonged treatment with glucocorticoids being one of the most frequent causes."

Another important factor that can affect the decrease of bone mass in young adults (around 30 years old) is, according to the specialist, the family history of osteoporosis and the presence of hypercalciuria (a frequent metabolic abnormality defined by an abundant urinary calcium excretion).


What should you do?

In these cases, the Spanish rheumatologist advises carrying out a thorough study of this type of patients to rule out secondary causes of osteoporosis.

Although there is little research on the treatment of this process in this population group, Dr. Peris Bernal recommends a series of basic rules that include:


  1. Physical activity (Perform regularly some type of exercise such as yoga, Tai-Chi or just walk daily for half an hour)
  2. Diet rich in calcium , especially dairy products, fish such as charales, anchovies and sardines, or vegetables such as spinach, onion or Swiss chard, and vitamin D, included in the egg yolk, salmon or cod
  3. Avoid the use of tobacco and alcohol .
  4. Pharmacotherapy which must be supervised by a specialist in the field.


Silent epidemic

Given that the osteoporosis it has no apparent symptoms, it has also been called the silent epidemic. Its manifestation is determined by the appearance of fractures caused by a fortuitous fall, the slightest blow or a simple twist.

The Mexican Association of Bone and Mineral Metabolism recommends especially to women who, from 45 years of age, perform bone densitometry. It is a specific study that indicates the probability of risk in the development of the condition and that should be done every year.

When the decalcification is irremediable, the most obvious signs are the loss of height and the hunching of the spine.

Caring for our body is the best long-term investment for healthy and strong bones.

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