What happens next?

The hysterectomy It is characterized as the surgery by means of which the matrix . Being a procedure in which an organ is involved that is vital for the hormonal development of women; For this reason, many myths revolve around this procedure, but, What happens when the matrix is ​​removed ?

According to studies published by KK Women's and Children's Hospital , Singapore, nowadays it is possible to do it by means of laparoscopy , a minimally invasive surgery; In addition, there are fewer complications than in traditional surgeries.


What happens next?

Despite being a simpler procedure than before; there could be complications like 'Latrogenic ', Which are damages not caused by the doctor; among them:


  • Damage to the urinary tract
  • Damage to the femoral nerve
  • Post-surgical adhesions
  • Hormonal changes
  • Vaginal dryness


15 out of every 1,000 women suffer at the uterus level and 30 at the bladder level, after a hysterectomy.

Although this surgical procedure has some consequences, they are not serious, they all have a solution and this must be followed up by the attending physician after surgery.

Some women associate it with weight gain, and it could occur due to hormones, but it does not always occur, and if it is the case, hormone treatment will solve it.

This is what happens after the matrix is ​​removed . Although each agency acts in a different way, the hormonal changes They are inevitable but treatable.


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