90% of skin cancer due to sun exposure

As an ally of the skin, the sun is an important source of vitamins , revitalizes, tones and rejuvenates. However, it can also be your main enemy by provoking you Burns , dehydration , wrinkles, allergies and even skin cancer

According to the Mexican Association for the Fight against Cancer , 9 out of 10 cases of this condition are the result of repeated exposure to the sun. This is due to the thinning that the ozone layer has suffered in recent decades, a situation that favors the passage of Ultraviolet Rays (UV)

The specialists of mipiel.com.mx , a portal that guides reliably and safely on methods to maintain healthy skin, point out that other risk factors that influence (to a lesser extent) in the development of this disease are genetics, age and color of skin. White people, for example, have a 60% chance of developing it, while light brunettes have 40% and dark brunettes only 30%.


Prevent is the key

While it is true that the skin cancer is one of the types of Cancer which affects the world population the most and which in Mexico ranks second in malignant tumors It is also a fact that it is preventable. Therefore, the experts of mipiel.com.mx , gives you the following tips to decrease the risk of developing skin cancer :

1. Use daily sunscreen with a minimum of 30 PFS . It is advisable to use formulas that provide protection against UV rays. These induce the formation of molecules (free radicals ) that damage the DNA and connective tissue of the skin

2. Avoid exposing yourself to any source of radiation , as produced by the radiotherapy , as well as chemicals such as arsenic, paraffin and certain types of oils

3. Do not use tanning booths . Excessive exposure to ultraviolet light may increase the risk of developing skin cancer

4. Try not to expose yourself to the sun in critical hours , especially between 11:00 and 17:00, regardless of whether the day is cloudy. Up to 80% of the sun's rays pass through clouds, smog and haze

5. Perform a monthly self-examination . This, in order to verify that there are no changes in the skin. Moles that change color, increase in size or that rise sharply, may be warning signs

The itching, bleeding or constant presence of scabs on the moles or other body area that has not healed well, may be signs of the presence of skin cancer . For more information visit: www.mipiel.com.mx

Video Medicine: Does Window Tint Prevent Skin Damage From the Sun? Skin Cancer Facts (April 2024).