Video games cause sleep disorders

The video game and mobile devices help develop skills such as creativity, concentration and motor coordination; However, the excessive use of these technologies can affect the learning and physical development of children.

According to specialists from the Sleep Disorders Clinic (CTS), of the Metropolitan Autonomous University Iztapalapa Unit (UAM-I), it is recommended to use video games between 30 minutes and one hour, preferably during the day, because they stimulate brain activity and, therefore, make it difficult to reconcile the dream in the minors.

In addition, it is important to select the types of video games that are used, because violent content tends to cause nightmares , which affect the quality of dream , generating fatigue during the day, mentioned the psychologist Guadalupe Terán Pérez , of the CTS.

The specialist stressed that the light emitted by video games and mobile devices starts the waking state and stimulates the physical activity , delaying the time of rest.

The psychologist Yoaly Arana Lettuce indicated that during dream The child's physical and learning development is consolidated, because when he sleeps, his body releases substances such as hormone of growth.

The psychologists point out that if the child exceeds the recommended use time, either in a mobile device or in a video game, alterations such asalienation , dispersion of the environment, socialization and learning problems, among others.

These problems are the most frequent causes of care in the clinics of the dream , because those who suffer it look for a solution to the difficulty that causes them to get up early, which can generate delays to get to school or perform other activities. And you, how long do you let your children use video games?

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Video Medicine: video games and sleep disorder project (May 2024).