4 habits that damage your health

The majority of human beings perform certainhabits considered healthy, Among those who find the breakfast, shower, get up at the same time or do yoga. But also, we have habits that damage our body.

According toWorld Health Organization (WHO), There are 4 risky and toxic habits that we tend to follow despite the damage to our health.


Tobacco, harmful habit

Smoking is a global health problem because it is thefirst addiction in the contemporary world and provoke more than25 diseases serious.

A cigarette contains more than 4 thousand substances; it is estimated that around 500 million of the 1,200 million smokers that exist in the world will die for atobacco-related disease , which means that practically 1 in 2smokers will die before old age.

The problem is even greater if one takes into account the large number of people whofamily life or labor are forced tobreathe contaminated air with tobacco smoke (pasive smokers ) which has also been shown to be clearly harmful, especially in children.



Alcohol, a poorly understood cultural habit

Thealcohol abuse in our society it causes serious problems for the individual and for society due to its sensitive repercussion on the daily activities of thedaily life . It is estimated that at leasta tenth part of the population (mostly men) systematically consumes an excessive amount.

The WHO explains that this drug constitutes a serious public health problem, not only because of the endless list ofdiseases that can cause, but it is also estimated that they are related to 25% of suicides, 15% of accidents at work, 40% of traffic accidents and 20% of medical emergencies.

However, it can be said that themoderate consumption (a glass of wine at meals) can decrease the risk ofheart attack   and the  macular degeneration ..

Inadequate feeding

It is considered ainadequate nutrition which favors diseases such asobesity and arteriosclerosis, among others.

A healthy diet must take into account food rich infiber and an adequate overall proportion of carbohydrates (50%) fats (not to exceed the saturated 10%) and proteins  (15%).

The fight against obesity is a priority in the health policy ofall the countries of the western world and focuses on raising awareness among the population in the improvement of healthy habits related to food and the practice of exercise.


Reckless driving, unsafe sex

Finally the practice of unsafe sex is a health risk behavior that causes two serious problems, unwanted pregnancies and the contagion of sexually transmitted diseases , such as hepatitis C or AIDS.

For this type of diseases, There is still no cure or vaccine, so today its only control is prevention through the use of condoms and good communication with the couple.

Follow  smokingdrinking excessively driving in a reckless manner implies avoiding the responsibility to protect Smart our health.

Consequently, it seems right to affirm that the greatest threat to human health today is, most likely, in ourselves.