This is how people with stable emotions are

One of the attitudes that distinguishes an emotionally stable person is that it maintains a focus realistic of the life; despite living moments of true anguish, keep the calm Y trust in which everything will be fine.


Researchers of the Yale University , The United States, affirm that 80% of the success personal and professional depend on emotions positive they guide towards a certain form of Act Y reply to favorable or unfavorable situations.


This is how people with stable emotions are

The emotions are generated from the interpretation or meaning given to the experiences , this activates feelings of acceptance , joy and surprise, or rejection , sadness, anger and fear. According to the book Emotional First Aid, this is how people with stability emotional.

1. They make assertive decisions. Scientific studies confirm that the emotions have a significant influence on decisions you take; when there is instability emotional usually resolutions are taken wrong that usually bring with it repentance.


To achieve balance, you can carry out some activity that will help you to know better how you react and on what are you based on your decisions? It also helps to make a pause for think more clearly.

2. Do not act on impulse. Self-control is a trait that distinguishes people emotionally stable because they resist acting when they feel go to or fear; it is considered the most appropriate way to express the feelings negative without harming anyone.

For him American psychologist Daniel Goleman , author of Emotional Intelligence explains that the ability not to act guided by impulses it has become a learning crucial; when it is not handled properly it affects the self esteem .


To avoid an impulsive reaction it is important to know hear to not get carried away by emotions of the moment, then analyze the situation and think about the short and long term benefits you can achieve.

3. Do not worry about the future. When they face problems, instead of thinking catastrophically at future , they focus on possible solutions to try to solve them.

The Psychologist Guy Winch , author of Emotional First Aid, explains that it is useless to turn over the head something that is not in our hands remedy or imagine lousy scenarios about how things are going to end.

The recommendable is to concentrate in activities productive to focus the Attention , like watching a movie, solving crosswords or playing sudoku.

4. They make sense of the losses. The Psychologist Winch affirms that people who live a loss, after a period of duel , reflect on that experience painful to overcome it. This attitude gives strength Y Peace of mind .

The approach, although it is a difficult process, should focus on the reconstruction of the feelings , find a motif that givessense to lifetime .

5. They take care of the self-esteem. Emotional First Aid It indicates that self-esteem is the most changing feeling in people. Often you are self-critical When you feel bad, sad or in a bad mood.


People emotionally stable avoid the self-criticism and they value the positive things about their personality. Achieving it is difficult, although Winch advise see us as if you were a friend who would you encourage in a way realistic when you feel more, if too much severe .

The important thing is that you identify qualities positive things that can help you achieve greater emotional stability Y to learn of the people around you how to handle the emotions . Retrieve your quiet and live fully!

Video Medicine: Characteristics Of Mature People That Make Them Emotionally Stable (April 2024).