Discover your level of altruism!

Are you an altruistic person? There are periods in the year in which we choose a cause, we are enthusiastic and we are willing to let go of something to meet the needs of others, although in the future we will not even remember that they exist.

It is true that it is better to have a spark of goodness a year than never, but would not it be better to find the motivation that keeps us engaged forever? Answer this test to find out which one is best for you.

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1.- What inspires you to help in any cause?

a) My wish because we all have the opportunity to be well, and if I can contribute to someone's achievement, I do it with pleasure.
b) It's not that I like so much to get involved in that, but there is always a friend or a relative who write me down in their projects.
c) Of course nothing inspires me, in fact I run away from that kind of thing, I'm depressed that everything is not right.

2.- What forms do you think exist to donate?
a) There are hundreds of ways: with money, time, knowledge, in kind, in short, there are as many as you want.
b) With money or with food.
c) You just have to be aware that someone tells you what you need.

3.- What social areas interest you the most?
to all.
b) The care of the environment and culture.
c) None in particular.

4.- For you, what is the best season to be altruistic?
a) It is not a topic that is limited to a period, at any time we must be ready to help.
b) Special dates such as Christmas, Children's Day and summer, if it's about saving nature.
c) Christmas is the ideal time.

5.- What emotion does it cause you to do good to someone?
a) A lot of well-being, I feel at peace knowing that the means that I have use them to do good.
b) Tranquility, I know that if I collaborate with something, the others will not bother me.
c) Anger, it bothers me that you can not walk anywhere without being asked for something.


Discover your level of altruism!

Majority of A: Congratulations! Regardless of the engine, you are always willing to help, so finding your cause is not a problem for you. Continue on that path of generosity, you will continue to harvest learning and growth for yourself, while benefiting those around you.

Majority of B: You have no problem collaborating if they ask you, but the important thing is that you do it on your own initiative, maybe it will help you to know how good it is to get involved in causes aimed at people, such as those whose purpose is to rescue the culture or the environment , after all the world is in constant renovation and requires the effort of all for its conservation.

Majority of C: That lack of interest is not necessarily a symptom of selfishness on your part, it is also possible that your altruistic experience has not been positive or maybe it was not with someone close to you and that is why you have a bad impression and little desire to to collaborate.

You should know that regardless of the type of institution you support, you can research it about what they do with the funds they collect and also about the progress they make, this makes their mission more tangible. And you, how many times do you help others in a year?

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