
Myths such as "alcoholic drinks improve sexual desire and erection", "after menopause ends sexual life" or "man is the one who should take the initiative in sexual relations" have caused misinformation among the population, which has repercussions in the long term in unwanted pregnancies, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and low self-esteem.

The National Population Council (CONAPO) reveals that receiving sex education is a right, but knowing our sexuality can, in the strictest sense, save lives.

Therefore in GetQoralHealth and with information from the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán (FESA) we present you the most common myths about female and male sexuality that specialists have determined false.



1. "The woman who leads the initiative is immoral." Behind this affirmation there is a moral prejudice that should not affect communication in the couple.

2. "During pregnancy you can not have sex." In accordance with You can have pregnant sex as long as it is considered a normal pregnancy and without risks.

3. "The first time you have sex, the woman bleeds and feels pain" . Investigations in the University of San Diego reveal that the hymen proves nothing; since it may be absent from birth, be thin, very small or even broken.

4. " You can not have sex through intercourse if the woman is menstruating. " It is thought that you can get infections, so it is recommended to use some form of barrier contraception.

5. "After menopause, it stops being sexual." In accordance with DiscoveryWoman everything depends on the interpretation that the woman gives to the menopause stage. Because although productive capacity ends does not end your sexuality.



1. "If the man loses his erection it's because he does not consider his partner attractive" . There are different disorders of the erection or simply states of stress or nervousness that can generate this problem, but it has nothing to do with the attraction towards the couple.

2. "Man is the one who should always take the initiative in sexual relationships." As with women, this statement is also about a moral prejudice.

3. "Alcoholic drinks improve sexual desire and erection " . Studies of Keogh Medical Research Institute indicates that the consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs sexual performance.

4. "If the penis is larger, it generates more pleasure for your partner." The biochemical researcher Pere Estupinyá It indicates that the size of the penis does not have to do with the ability to give pleasure to the couple.

5. "A man does not cry or is sentimental" . According to data from National Center for Mental Health Men also suffer from depression frequently. Men are also human beings with emotions and feelings.

Data of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) They also explain that human sexuality not only responds to biological factors, but also to social, sentimental, behavioral factors as well as desires or fantasies that are psychological aspects of sexuality and each culture.

Remember to live your sexuality fully and responsibly.