The color of life!

Both vegetables and green fruits are high in vitamin C, potassium and fiber , so they are effective as aids in weight loss when you add them in your diet . But, if the idea of ​​eating them whole does not please you, you can always resort to a slimming green juice .

According to the experts of Mayo Clinic , the juice resulting from fruits and vegetables is beneficial because it contains most of the vitamins, minerals and chemicals in plants. Besides that when consuming the pulp, you get fiber healthy and you feel satisfied for more time

If you do not know how to prepare a slimming green juice , do not worry, in the next video Deya Cano , it helps you step by step to do it and also explains the benefits of each ingredient for you to know them.


The color of life!

In addition to losing weight, the green juices they help you recover the Energy what do you lose when you perform exercise , by replacing your glucose in a healthy way if you take it within the next 30 minutes, says Rhonda Alexander , fitness nutritionist and author of "Green Smoothie Bliss" .

In the same way, green vegetables, such as broccoli or Chinese cabbage, contain a compound that increases your immunity to various diseases and provide an additional layer of protection to cells of the body, indicates a study published in the journal Cell .

You will notice that the vegetables and fruits contained in this slimming green juice are not only low in calories , but they have a high content of fiber so your appetite will be quiet until your next meal; this way you will avoid the "junk cravings" that boycott your weight loss purpose.

For all this, and more, encourage yourself to give it a try, you will see that the improvement in your weight and health will be remarkable. Do not give up!