1. Alcohol

The feminization of addictions is increasingly evident; This is a public health problem that we must not lose sight of.

Although it is a little accepted practice and therefore not common, women are always present the desire to stop drinking or smoking and the efforts they make according to surveys have been inefficient to achieve it. In GetQoralHealth we present the addictions that occur most frequently in women:

1. Alcohol

According to data from National Council Against Addictions (CONACID) , one woman for every 11 men develops alcohol dependence syndrome. The National Survey of Addictions (ENA, 2011), It also revealed troubling information: drinking dependence among men doubled, while in women it tripled.


2. Drugs

According to National Survey of Addictions (ENA, 2011) the prevalence of drugs mainly marijuana and cocaine in women increased from 2.1% to 3.0%

3. Psychotropic drugs

The abuse of psychotropic substances constitutes a public health problem of our time and is present at national as well as international level.

Women indicate the use of psychotropic drugs to calm, among other conditions, the tension produced by the psychosocial situation in which they live and their state of discrimination, in the broadest sense of the term.


4. Tobacco

Mexico ranks sixth worldwide in number of smokers and second in smokers. The age of onset for tobacco consumption is now at 14.1 years.

5. Codependence

The so-called "addictive love" is more frequent as time passes. The researcher Gloria Noriega Gayol indicates that the highest risk factor for developing codependence is a "female submission script", a family history of emotional or sexual abuse and women who have suffered from early loss (separation, abandonment, or death) commonly referred to as "rapid growth" .

Research also indicates that the female population is less interested in seeking medical help for these problems and that men do so in a more timely manner. Remember that family support is vital, recognize the problem and accept it. Beware!