The beginning of the fight

The plurinominal senator passed away this morning, Alonso Lujambio victim of multiple myeloma , a type of cancer that develops in the bone marrow, according to information published in the Excelsior.

"Fighting for my life, I have thrown the hindrance of my haste to live it", said the plurinominal deputy when faced with bone marrow cancer.


The beginning of the fight

In November 2011, the legislator announced that he had been diagnosed with multiple myeloma. According to National Cancer Institute , this carcinoma develops in blood-forming stem cells of the bone marrow.

The first symptoms of bone marrow cancer or multiple myeloma are identified when problems arise with vital organs such as the liver or heart.

For example, Lujambio was first diagnosed with severe kidney failure, which is the sudden loss of the kidneys' ability to eliminate waste.

In addition, there is bleeding, fatigue, anemia, fever, difficulty breathing and fractures, as well as vision and central nervous system problems.

Therefore, upon detecting this condition, the former secretary of Public Education in Mexico, who was 50 years old, began his treatment against the disease in 2011 and supplemented it in hospitals in Arkansas, United States.


What causes multiple myeloma?

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the specialist Víctor Salinas It details the causes of marrow cancer, especially multiple myeloma:

The incidence of multiple myeloma is higher in men than in women, and it is the second most common blood cancer in the United States, that is, it represents 1% of cases of neoplasia. While in Mexico more than four thousand new cases are detected per year.

Chemotherapies, radiotherapies, immunotherapies, and vaccine therapies are carried out for their treatment, which take place between six and eight months after the disease was diagnosed. However, when the marrow cancer is in a very advanced state, a bone marrow transplant must be performed, as experienced by Lujambio.

In April 2012, Dr. Bart Barlogie, director of the Institute for Myeloma Research and Therapy at the Arkansas University of Medical Sciences, said the official had successfully overcome bone marrow cancer.

After nine months of treatment, Lujambio reappeared to register as a PAN multi-nominee senator and acknowledged that the myeloma was not fully expired.

In the early morning of this September 25 the official lost his life and his remains will be veiled in the French Pantheon in Mexico City, before being cremated.

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