Know the ingredients

According to data from the National Survey of Health and Nutrition (Ensanut) 2012 , in Mexico, 32.4% of Mexicans suffer from obesity. One of the habits related to this condition is the omission of breakfast.

A study published inAmerican Journal of Epidemiology reveals that people who do not eat breakfast are 4.5 times more likely to be overweight, compared to those who eat a meal at the beginning of the day.

In this regard, students who attend the third semester of the degree in Nutrition of the Interdisciplinary Center for Health Sciences (CICS) Milpa Alta created the cereal called "Kampin". This cereal is an option to achieve a natural and nutritious breakfast.

Ingredients. The cereal is composed of a flour that contains cranberry and oats.
Benefits . It helps to reduce and control diseases such as diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, obesity and colon cancer.
Nutrients . It contains vitamins A, B, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and C; It also contains calcium, potassium, zinc and phosphorus.
Calories One serving of cereal provides 192 calories.
Creators . The creators are Ana Karen Castillo, Alejandra Pozas Sánchez, Mayra Janet Acosta Velasco, Brenda Paola Pacheco Hernandez, Ingrid Tamara Ceballos Jiménez and Nayeli Toledano Perea.
Control of sugar. The students indicate that the cereal helps to increase the levels and sensitivity to insulin, in order to regulate the blood glucose level.
"Other" cereals . The difference, explain the students is that some commercial cereals contain preservatives that can damage the health of the organism.
Kampin. The name comes from the initials of the names of its creators.


Know the ingredients

Oats. According to the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) the oatmeal is a food that has great capacity to satiate; It also contains fast-absorbing carbohydrates, fiber and beta-glucans, which help absorb cholesterol and bile acids from the intestine.

Blueberry. A study conducted by the University of Texas Indicates that consuming blueberries helps fight obesity, since the polyphenols contained in them fight the fat cell formation process (adipogenesis)

Nopal. It contains vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as potassium, iron, proteins and calcium. Thanks to its fiber content helps in the digestive process and control of blood glucose.

Video Medicine: Can We Make A Dish Without Knowing The Ingredients? (April 2024).