Swimming in pregnancy

The swimming It's one of the exercises more complete and recommended during the pregnancy , its practice must be authorized by the attending physician after evaluating aspects such as Health in general of the mother, family history, conditions and type of swimming that must be practiced.

Benefits of swimming during pregnancy

• Relax the areas of the body that are overloaded by the redistribution of weight during the gestation and release the joints . • Controls the weight during the gestation . • Improve the cardiovascular system r. • Tone the muscles of the body. • Decrease edema circulatory • Improves the flexibility and aerobic resistance of the body. • Decrease the stress and the nervous tension . • Contributes to the preparation of Birth .

In the following video you can see a simple routine of swimming during the pregnancy and its benefits:


Tips and precautions

• If you can not swim, the pregnancy It is not the ideal time to learn to do it. Before practicing this sport, consult your doctor. • Carry out your routine slowly. Never try harder. • Monitors the health and safety conditions of the place where you swim. Be extremely careful when entering and leaving the pool. • Avoid crowded pools, this in order to prevent possible accidents.

The pregnancy It is one of the most beautiful stages that a woman can live. Enjoy it! Do exercise during the gestation Improve your health and that of the baby.

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Video Medicine: Pregnancy and exercise (April 2024).