Breastfeeding allows for greater attachment between mother and baby

The lactation it is one of the vital aspects for the development of a healthy child; means an intimate moment, of communication and union between the mother and his son.

Through this the baby can perceive the voice, the smell, the heartbeat of the mother; he feels those moments when he was in the womb again. These sensations will comfort and they will make you feel quiet Y safe.

It is not by chance that the distance in which a newborn can focus on a face is the same as that between the chest and the mother.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the intake of the breastmilk at least during the first 6 months after 2 years of the baby's life.


Benefits for your baby

  1. It contains more than 200 immunological agents that science can not reproduce
  2. He digests easily and provides, in its proper measure, nutrients, vitamins, proteins, fats essentials that the baby needs to develop physically and neurologically
  3. It contains colostrum , which is a food with high nutritional value and provides antibodies required
  4. It favors a optimal development of the brain and nervous system, improving the intellectual capacity and the visual acuity
  5. Protect the child from possible allergies ; reduces the rate of serious illnesses and the likelihood of getting sick
  6. The suction contributes to a better development of the mouth structure , helping the growth of healthy teeth and decreases the risk of decay
  7. Presents fewer cases of diarrhea, otitis, gastrointestinal infections as well as respiratory tract infections
  8. There has been a lower incidence of sudden death


Benefits for mom

Various studies have shown that the mood of the mother influences the way in which the milk sprouts, It is advisable to surround yourself with a calm, pleasant and warm environment, without tensions.

The advantage of breastfeeding the newborn, are not exclusive to the baby, the mother also benefits.

  1. It reduces the postpartum depression, since breastfeeding produces and releases oxytocin (sometimes called the "love hormone"), which can help moms relax and feel less stressed
  2. It facilitates the physical recovery of childbirth
  3. It decreases the chances of the mother developing breast cancer, which is closely related to the duration of the breastfeeding period
  4. Some studies also show a decrease of the chances of getting cancer of the uterus and ovaries
  5. In the long term, it can also strengthen the bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis since after weaning, the bone density of mothers returns to pre-pregnancy levels or even to a Upper level .
  6. You will burn more calories and it will be easier to lose the kilos gained during the gestation
  7. It also helps the uterus recover its normal size and reduce the haemorrhages you may suffer after childbirth
  8. Save time; you do not need to buy, measure and prepare artificial milk , and you do not have to heat bottles in the middle of the night.

The breastmilk It offers innumerable health benefits for the new member of your family. When babies are exclusively fed with breastmilk These benefits are maximized.