11 ways to sleep better

Preparing to sleep is a good habit what to adopt to rest properly. The key is to maintain a regular schedule so that the internal "clock" of the body helps you to self-initiate the process of dream .

Here are 11 recommendations so you can reconcile the dream :

1. Verify that your room is totally comfortable.

2. Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark and cool.

3. The temperature It is very important, so your room should be in the most warm part of the house.

4. Make sure your mattress is firm enough not to wake up with Back pain .

5. You need a pillow to support the head and neck; for some people it can be a firm pillow, for others a soft pillow. Choose your favorite!

6. In some cases it works to have a humidifier in the room in winter time when the air is dry. An air purifier is a good complement if you have allergies .

7. A sound system can be useful if you live in a noisy environment, which can help you calm down and relax.

8. The aromatherapy It can help you fall asleep. Look for aromas that you like and relax.

9. To avoid feeling cold, use socks to keep your feet warm. It has been shown that when the feet are cold it is harder to sleep.

10. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine As the tea and the energetics , especially in the afternoon and evening as they will keep you awake for a few more hours.

11. If you drink liquids at night it will make you wake up frequently to urinate.

Now, put on your pajamas, relax and enjoy the benefits of a good night's sleep. Remember that tomorrow a new day awaits you.

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Video Medicine: 11 Tips To Sleep Better For More Muscle Growth! GET BIGGER WHILE YOU SLEEP! (April 2024).