Stress others

When you live with a lot stress You tend to make mistakes related to your lifestyle and behavior, such as eat in excess. To give you an idea, 27% of adults say they eat only to handle that emotion, indicates the American Psychological Association .

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center This is because high levels of cortisol along with the insulin you have when you're stressed, they provoke you whim so salty and greasy. But ingesting them is a mistake because you increase your risk of developing obesity .

These are just these and other changes that are in your body, caused by the stress , those that lead you to commit various errors in your day to day. We present you six more examples.


Stress others

It may seem useful, and surely you need to vent, but doing so can stress others if you're not careful. A study of Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences affirms that the stress is really contagious .

Tip If you really feel very stressed and need vent , the best thing is that you go out for a walk and do something that you like, either alone or accompanied. You'll feel better.


You delay responsibilities

You feel so overwhelmed what you prefer ignore all your pending tasks, and maybe it makes you feel better, but it will be counterproductive when things have come together. And doing it alone will reinforce the idea that you need stress to function, says the psychologist Carl Pickhardt .

Tip To reduce your stress And do not leave aside your tasks better organize yourself in lapses. When you work in periods of 90 minutes and take rest between them, you do it better.


You reckon with the world

The Amercian Heart Association indicates that when you are stressed you irritate easier. This can take you from get angry because "the fly flies around you" to retaliate what happens to you with the people closest to you.

Tip If you find yourself in the office, get up from your place and walk for five minutes. And every time you receive a call, do the same to stretch your legs.


You think too much

It is natural that when you are stressed you think about the cause all the time, however this damages your Health by increasing your risk of developing depression or anxiety, in addition to having negative thoughts about the situation makes the matter worse, affirms the University of Liverpool .

Tip Take a few minutes to relax and perform the following exercise meditation : inhale in seven times, remain four and exhale in eight. Do it while you think of something that you like.


You do not sleep

The stress already basic causes alterations in the REM sleep stage, which prevents you from sleep adequately, indicates the University of Maryland Medical Center . If you add to this that you surf the Internet or watch television late to "distract your mind", the situation gets worse.

Tip First try to disconnect from all your devices at least one hour before going to bed, and if you really want to forget practice some yoga poses that will make you feel peace.


You rush

All the time you are making decisions, the bad news is that when you are stressed these tend to be bad in the long term, because your mind is too worried, so a study of the Harvard University .

Tip Postpone all important decisions you should make, such as buying a house, until you feel calmer and less pressured.

Not only because of these errors caused by the stress that comets you have to fight it, when you feel this emotion for a long time you increase your risk of suffering a heart attack , according to the Spanish Heart Foundation