Sprouts regulate digestion

The germ or germinated they are grains and seeds that nourish, regenerate and heal our body inside; In addition, they help regulate intestinal function to have an adequate digestion because they are unrefined products or are genetically modified, so their properties prevail, as a high content in Dietary fiber.

The germinated are the seeds or grains that, thanks to a simple technique that we can all perform at home, have awakened their potential wealth. They are shoots full of vitality, and are part of the so-called "live food", according to information from vitonica.com.

The germinated They are usually rich in vitamin C , help to cleanse the body, to feel more vital and reduce digestive problems .
People with digestive problems and convalescent patients, who find it difficult to feed themselves with "raw" food, can consume germinated since its enzymatic wealth facilitates the absorption by the organism and are easily digestible.

They do not generate uric acid , neither cholesterol , or any other risk factor for health. They are even recommended for people with drop . They also have a high content in iron , are depurative and regulators of metabolism .

Having also good level of Vitamin E , help the body to counteract the harmful effects of free radicals , which detonate, among other things, premature aging , among other benefits for skin .

As part of the organic foods , sprouts help regulate many vital functions and can be an essential part of a diet to help you lose weight , to have a better quality of life naturally.