Spanish tortilla

To have good health and control the arterial hypertension , you only have to include the potassium in your diet In addition, this mineral plays a very important role in most of the vital functions of the body.

The specialists of Angeles Hospitals they assure that the potassium favors the correct functioning of the nervous systems and cardiac. Even, it is necessary for the formation of muscles and to regulate the transfer of nutrients. You can find it in the following foods:

  1. Potatoes: This food has 751 milligrams of potassium approximately, but it depends on the size.
  2. Green leaves: A cup of cooked chard has 961 milligrams of potassium ; Spinach has 839 milligrams.
  3. Beans: This is one of the foods that has a greater amount of potassium , fiber Y proteins .
  4. Yogurt: Only one glass of this food has 531 milligrams of potassium . Choose those that are low in sugars.
  5. Raisins and apricots: These nuts have a strong dose of potassium , has 233 and 257 milligrams in a single bite, respectively.

So that you enjoy the benefits of potassium and keep your blood pressure stable, we give you the following recipe for 172 calories , of the Kellogg's Institute of Nutrition and Health.


Spanish tortilla

Ingredients for eight servings

  1. Four tablespoons of olive oil
  2. A medium onion cut into thin sections
  3. Three medium potatoes cut into cubes
  4. Eight eggs
  5. Salt and pepper
  6. Chopped parsley

Fry the onion and potatoes in the olive oil. In a bowl beat the eggs, add salt and pepper to taste.

Add the egg mixture to the pan where the onion and potatoes are. Let simmer, try to push the egg from the edge towards the center. When it is almost cooked completely turn over on a plate and return it to the pan so that it is cooked on the other side.

Once cooked place the cake on a plate and cut eight slices. To decorate you can sprinkle the slice with chopped parsley. You can accompany her with a delicious cucumber water . Advantage!

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Video Medicine: Ultimate Spanish Omelette | Omar Allibhoy (May 2024).