5 benefits of grapefruit

The grapefruit is the result of the mixture between orange and grapefruit and has its origin in the West Indies . The grapefruit It is a fruit with a high content of antioxidants that help prevent the premature aging .

In addition, it contains very little sugar which helps lose weight and accelerate the metabolism . GetQoralHealth Tells you why you should include this fruit in your diet .

1. Protect your heart: eat one grapefruit a day helps reduce the levels of cholesterol "Bad" in the blood and 27% the triglycerides .

2. Smoothes rough skin: use the grapefruit to get rid of the dark spots on the knees and elbows. Its high content of vitamin C helps to fade the spots of the skin caused by excessive production of pigment from the skin . Nail clipper grapefruit in half, sprinkle some sugar and fruit on the skin . Rinse Do this operation at night, since the sun can stain even more the skin .

3. Speed ​​up your metabolism: include this fruit in your diet It helps to lose kilos. One study revealed that people who ate half a grapefruit before each meal lost three pounds after 12 weeks. The grapefruit has compounds that burn fat and help stabilize sugar in the blood .

4. Organic detergent: the pulp of this fruit helps to eliminate the tartar that accumulates in the bathroom. Cut the grapefruit in half, dip it in a dish with sea salt; then rub on the bathroom walls and accessories, at the same time you squeeze the grapefruit . The citric acid dissolves dirt and grime, salt disinfects and helps prevent infections.

5. Reaffirms the skin: its high content of vitamin C increases the production of collagen , which helps keep your skin in perfect conditions free of cellulitis .

Eat a piece of grapefruit and enjoy its benefits. Take care of your health and your skin !


Video Medicine: 5 Incredible Health Benefits of Grapefruit (April 2024).