7 effective ways to leave the soda

According to a study of Euromonitor International , Mexico ranks third in soft drink consumption worldwide, with around 119 liters per inhabitant. A worrisome figure due to the side effects that this drink has on health; But how to stop drinking soda?

Several studies have suggested that drinking soft drinks raises blood pressure, damages oral health, promotes obesity because of its large number of calories, promotes diabetes and heart disease.

Despite knowing all these side effects of drinking, people continue with the consumption because it generates a habit or addiction that is difficult to overcome.

However, there are some effective strategies that can help you overcome addiction and reduce the consumption of soda like the following:

1. Reduce the portions little by little. According to Heidi Grant Halvorson, author of the book "How we can reach our goals" , stop drinking soda at once is a strategy that will fail in a short time. Ideally, you decrease the daily amount by 20%.

2. Change things from place. This technique will make you aware of what you consume, all you have to do is change the place where you put the soda. For example, if you place it within reach of your right hand, move it to the left side, to prevent you from drinking it automatically.

3. Mark a calendar. Every day that you do not drink soda put a mark on the calendar, this will help you break the bad habit when you notice that you are able to leave it for several days, according to a study by the University College London .

4. Replaces the effervescence . This is one of the addictive features of the soda, for that reason, Keri Gans spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association recommends drinking a little mineral water with a touch of natural water, until you get used to the taste of the water.

5. Change caffeine. Most people are addicted to cola, so a good alternative to leaving them is to find a temporary substitute for caffeine such as coffee or some types of tea in an ice cream or cold version, according to Marcelle Pick, member of the American Nurses Association.

6. Hydrate. Normally people quench thirst with soft drinks, however, when you are about to fall into this situation drink a large drink of natural water, which is the best option to keep hydrated points Katherine Zeratsky, Mayo Clinic specialist .

7. Change the consumption of sugar. Completely eliminating the consumption of soda can cause anxiety, due to the lack of sugar it provides; However, this can be avoided by consuming some fruit, JJ Virgin, a certified nutrition specialist in California.

To eliminate bad habits such as the consumption of soda you should seek the help of friends or co-workers who encourage you to achieve your goal. And you, what strategies do you use to reduce the consumption of soda?

Video Medicine: What Would Happen if You Stopped Drinking Soda? (April 2024).